The warp is calm....

I haven't got any painting time for a while now and its because of family stuff i have been up to lately but i will get in some painting each morning before work, i really want my fateweaver done soon.

I have at least bought 20 pink horrors that i have assembled and they are ready  for priming.

The weather is slowly getting better and i am sure that i will be able to prime outside really soon.
i might even try it tonight on the horrors.

I have also assembled the other Daemon prince and its looking pretty awesome with lots of tzeenchy bits on it. i might add some more stuff to it before in done but it looks cool and its going to be fun to paint.

The other prince i have assembled rather "stock" and i think it will be painted in a grey skin tone so it can be used as most types of God specific.

I don't like putting a blue obvious tzeench daemon as a Nurgle Daemon. i would rather buy a new daemon and paint it green. im aiming to have at least one of each :)


  1. I honestly don't know much about daemons, so forgive me if I'm completely off the mark here. Are you thinking of getting that new Khorne Bloodthirster? If anything, he looks pretty sweet.

  2. Oh yeah, don't forget to post your group shots in the Achievements part of the form.

    1. Yeah all my painted stuff is at the game club, i will take the achievement pictures soon :)

      as for the thirster im on the fence. i really want to see it IRL before getting it, and my army is currently leaning towards the tzeench nurgle side as of now.

    2. Yeah, I had a feeling that Khorne wasn't your army's thing. But I was unsure of how the daemons work so I figured I would ask. ;)

    3. Well the FW bloodthirster was one of the big reasons i wanted to start a Daemon army in the first place. I'm gonna wait until i see the GW one IRL before making any purchases :)


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