Saying goodbye to eldar

So now we all know that eldar will get a new codex this weekend so me and a friend had a 6th edition codex fight before the eldar gets even more out of hand ;) 

I played my tyranids with a pretty standard list; two tyrants with devs, 1 malanthrope, 3 rippers 10 Hormagaunts, 2 crones 1 mawloc and the living artillery formation. 

Got to deploy first so I put all my monsters within 6" of the malanthrope to get that 2+ JINK in case he seized on my. And that he did.... Killed the Thrope and a crone. 

That killed my morale and after that I perilsed and lost two wounds since I failed grounding. Now I just wanted to kill as much as possible before I got tabled 
I used all my wits and made him JINK with his serpents and started to destroy a large chunk of his army the coming turns and in turn three it looked like I could win this. 

It was a super bloody game and when it was over we both only had 2-3 units left each. 
All in all it was a fun game and I won since he had his serpent 5" from his emperors will and I landed the crone and took it :)

Now I can't wait to play a against the gargantuan monsturus creatures ala wraith Knights :/


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