Two fattys, one game.

So after my big Bloodthirster was done i needed to play him in a game ASAP so me a friend made a couple of 1850 lists.

I had a GOU, Bloodthirster, 3 beasts of nurgle, 4 bloodcrushers, 14, Plaguebearers, 14 Bloodletters, 3 Nurglings, 15 hounds, 3 drones and a Nurlge prince.

He had his usual Nurlge CSM list and borrowed my Belakor.

we stopped playing turn four and decided to pick it up next time we play since it was really late.

Im pretty sure i have the advantage in this game if only my Bloodthirster could hit that stinking maulerfiend in combat (needing to smash to do some damage ive missed it two turns in a row)

But the GOU and him are still alive and having a blast eating everything else.

what i found out was that i should t have rushed my beasts up to try to kill his cultists since they cant sweep and have a low chance of killing them in one blow i should have waited for a more juicy target (like his 7 man Plague marines) or his bikes. No the maulerfiend killed them in a turn since he is s10 and i cant roll 5++s ;) the drones are camping in the back taking care of objective grabbing (staying close to nr 5 and six so if i get those cards i can grab them with little to no trouble :)

really exited to see what happens in the end of this battle :)

Sorry for the poor pictures the lighting in the room is not the best.


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