
After I played on our new grass mat and got shot to bits before reaching melee we talked about the game and name to the conclusion that we need LOS blocking terrain. 

The buildings we have were made back in 4th when they were released and back then all terrain deeper then 4" were LoS blocking and there were different types etc. we have tried to mend them by gluing some posters over the windows to block LoS and making posisitioning models and movement in general more tactical.

But I wanted a large building that blocked and looked good. So I have tried to make a member finish his shrine of the Aquila since it will be perfect. But he is incredibly slow to get his brush wet (the building has been on his kitchen table over 2 years) so having broken games until he gets his thumb out is not an option. 

What I did was buy 2 sets of manifactorum sand made one large factory building :)

Here is the initial planning before I glued anything. There needed to Bo no windows on the bottom floor and I planned for a balcony on the second floor that is why there is a door there ;)
But I used all good floor tiles haha

Here it is glued and the Scorpion for scale. 

It would be perfect for gaming and perfect centerpiece for our table. 

This was this Thursday night. Friday morning i primed it!

I also didn't what another grey building on the table since we already have those. 

I looked through my paints and found my daemonette hide. It would be perfect with a slaneesh grey highlight. Done and done! Friday night after the girls went to bed I stared painting the building!

What I needed to do next was shade it and highlight it. And bring out some
Details. Since the entire building will be rather cold colored I needed to have some details in warm colors. I went with red pipage along the top floors. 

Seems like I didn't take any pictures along the way but I also painted the Eagles on the corners and the cogs bronze. Washed with agrax and highlighted with necron compound. It's the color I highlight all metallics with. 

The flooring and silver were simply bolt gun metal and nuln oil. Added some nurgles rot in all the vents to give a more grim look. 

I really like the results and will probably repaint some of our other buildings on a more strong color. Black and grey is so 2004 ;)

Until next time! 

What's next on the table is pretty bad ass! Hoping to get some games in soon with the Scorpion. Hoping it won't be killed by the stupid fire dragons ;)


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