Vs Grey Knights.

Had a game the other day vs grey Knights! We played with a bet in mind. He had a shrine of the Aquila half painted on his kitchen table for over two years and I've been nagging him to paint it for about 4-5 months now. And when we played we betted that if he won I wouldn't whine about it never getting finished. And if I won it would get painted within 7 days. 

I brought my daemon list that I've played a couple of times now, kairos and two heralds on discs, 11x2 pinks, 6 screamers 14 dogs and the greater brass scorpion of khorne. 

He had two dread Knights a storm raven, draigo a brother captain a land raider and lots of terminators. 

He used a nemesis strike force to alpha strike me but it all was iny favor. So close for me to eat him :) 

Deepstruck behind the scorpion with a knight and the other misshape and a put it in front so I could kill it with the scorpion easier. Draigo and friends behind Kairos to shot his feather ass to bits!

The caused one wound to him hahahaha 

I turned around and started to slaughter him. 

He tried to charge me with a knight but needed to buff it before. And got a perils and a one. Failed his ld and blew up. 

My screamers tar moves up the flank with the dogs. 

The dogs were about to
Charge his terminators and 14 dogs will make short of anything t4 2+ save
Or not. 

The scorpion killed draigo and friend plus the dread Knights. The lands raider tried to kill the horrors but I just summoned a new unit to piss him off. 

When his Brother captain fell on the second round of combat making his model count one. The land raider. All I needed to do was kill it and table him. 

The screamers moved up charged and got one pen, and rolled a six. GG daemons. 

The shrine is getting painted!! :) even with everything going wrong he played with a smile on his face the whole time. Gotta love that. Will post pictures of it when it done. 


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