Got a game in. It was a three way daemons and Eldar vs grey Knights. Not sure what would've been most unfluffy, slaneesh and eldar or daemons and GK. We rolled and the one with the highest dice got to play a single 2000pts list against the other two players 1000pts.
The guy that got to use 2k was the most inexperienced of us in competitive play, so he made some rookie mistakes like putting his two auto cannon dread in the front of his army.
He was rended to bits by my daemonettes and D in the face by wraith guards.
But it was a fun game.
Other hobby things I completed was three assassins that have been sitting on my table for a couple of months taunting me. Only gave them a quick paint job since I probably won't use them so much and they will probably stand in the corner of a building in game.
But I think they look decent :) I will try to include them in a marine game in the future.
Got three centurions assembled yesterday and hoping they get some color soon. I gave them two grav guns and one las cannon so I can take a sergeant with onmiscope and shot his las cannon and missiles on a armored target and the grav to turn heavy infantry to dust.
No pictures of them but grey models everyone's got isn't fun to show anyway. Hoping to get them done this week.
Next game is this Thursday :) 1850 daemons vs Grey Knights.
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