More horrors. What's lurking in the future?!

The last 11 pinks are done and ready for battle! Now I have 53 painted horrors! Feels awesome to have two of the four lesser daemons at the amount I wanted. I am aiming at thirty of each and only have ten daemonettes and plague bearers left to complete my troop section of my collection. I might add some Nurglings in the future but six bases is enugh for the time being.

I already had two plastic horrors painted blue and I thought it would be awesome to have 11 blue so I can tell the units apart if they are clumped up or caught in melee somehow. So I painted 9 blue and two pink :)

Pretty happy with this weeks painting. 31 models all in all. 

Also I see that there are people watching the blog (about 10-30 per day) it would be awesome if you could leave a comment! :)

Here are the pictures!


  1. So are these the ones that are missing arms? Because I can't tell.

    1. You can see in the previous post the one that are missing arms :) I hope people won't notice either haha :)


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