My phone broke.

I was wondering why my phone were taking pictures upside-down and sometimes rotated wrong so I contacted the Sony helpdesk and we came to the conclusion that the gyroscope and accelerometer were broken.

Sad times for my since I use my phone to write on my blog.

I hope the time it will take to fix it is short, or that the phone I will get to borrow Is sufficient so I can keep it updated at least.

Forgot to take pictures of the Lord of change but it is almost done. The wings will be blue and purple since I couldn't get the rainbow pattern to look good using brushes. It would've been easy with an air brush.

I  hope to come back as soon as possible.

Until then - stay chaotic.


  1. Wow! That's some bad luck, sorry to hear that!

    1. Yeah it sucks :( im really disappointed about the image quality of it anyway. posted some pics just now but thats with my DSLR camera.


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