The dust has settled.

The tournament was this Saturday and it was a blast! My first opponent were Eldar with three flyers.

And since I don't have AA I were in a big disadvantage.

His list were autarch with swooping hawks gear and with a unit of hawks, farseer on bike with 6 bikes with scatter, 6 bikes with scatter, 2 prisms,  2 serpents with avengers and fire dragons, and three flyers, 2 with lances and one with the D cannons.

I came out on top 16-4. Mvps this game were the scouts, killed a prism, two serpents and killed the hawks and autarch by killing two, they fleed twice, then charged them and he failed his morale again. That was fun to see.

Next game were against orks! I was hoping to face them since salamanders and orks have history. Then I remembered why I don't like to fight horde armies. Especially when they have a thousand characters. All the look out sir shenanigans made the first turn take 90 minutes. And that's not fair.

Kill points was the mission and I won by 14-6.

Mvps this game were the scouts again. Taking out grots, giving me line breaker, killing a helicopter ork thing and a truck.

Also Vulkan and his pals were great. Flaming two trucks, got charged and killed the passengers. Killed another truck and another unit of orks.

Last game was against tyranids. I have never been on the receiving side of them before and damn those tyrants. He had three with wings and twin devourers. And those hurt like hell! Killing two three tanks per turn was not fun for me. And he had two formations I never seen. It was 5 talos that generated a VP for every Infantry unit they killed. And at t7 the only thing I had to counter them were the centurions and devastators. Which he killed on two turns. And the other formation was spore mines! Damn those are some pesky sobs. Coming back on 4+ and having lictors remove scatter was devastating. We would've tied but his talos took so many points there. Lost 16-4.

Mvps were the assault squad. Taking lots of points and shoot many of the little spore units.

Came in third by a point. It's the first time I got a trophy and I had a really good time! Hoping that the next one is within three months at least. It's been over 18 months since the last one and I really want to play in them more often.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! have you battle tested your mechanicus?

    2. No, all I have is the one model (and the knight). I'm thinking about getting the new battle mandible box for Christmas, but it's outside our usual budget so I need to discuss it with the wife first.


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