Nids vs imperium.
I got challenged by The ultramarine player once again (trying to win against me?) and i picked a list with my Heirodule since i haven't fielded him yet and Nids vs Marines are kinda epic.
The list i brought was:
2 HT with twin dev and haywire spit,
2 Crones
30 gaunts
1 Tervigon
1 Malanthrope
1 Hive guard
1 Biovore
1 Barbed hierodule
And i really liked the list! i might change the guard for another biovore or a crone and guard for a Dimachaeron. Not sure yet but the list was solid! he borrowed a Knight since he thought the hierodule was as powerful as the Wraith knight.
I was first agains him borrowing models from me since i feel you should bring your own stuff but i let it slide since i borrowed 2 rhinos a couple of games back since mine hadn't come in the mail yet.
Also i wanted to know what my nids could do against a Knight. It proves i could remove it quite easy, first turn the hierodule made 1 hull point, the next turn the crones vector strike and shoots some mucolids taking 2 hullpoints and the two tyrants took a side each, shot some haywire and 6 s6 shots removing the last 3 hullpoints.
after that it was a shooting gallery and when it was over i just lost a tyrant and some spawned gaunts..
Although hes plays was flawed and tactics non existent i felt the list was decent!
what he could have done different = dont keep your centurions with grav in reserv in your stormraven, when Tigerius has invisibility, use it! on the knight! i told him that just because you CAN have stuff in the raven it doesn't mean you should.
Hoping for a challenge next time.
The list i brought was:
2 HT with twin dev and haywire spit,
2 Crones
30 gaunts
1 Tervigon
1 Malanthrope
1 Hive guard
1 Biovore
1 Barbed hierodule
And i really liked the list! i might change the guard for another biovore or a crone and guard for a Dimachaeron. Not sure yet but the list was solid! he borrowed a Knight since he thought the hierodule was as powerful as the Wraith knight.
I was first agains him borrowing models from me since i feel you should bring your own stuff but i let it slide since i borrowed 2 rhinos a couple of games back since mine hadn't come in the mail yet.
Also i wanted to know what my nids could do against a Knight. It proves i could remove it quite easy, first turn the hierodule made 1 hull point, the next turn the crones vector strike and shoots some mucolids taking 2 hullpoints and the two tyrants took a side each, shot some haywire and 6 s6 shots removing the last 3 hullpoints.
after that it was a shooting gallery and when it was over i just lost a tyrant and some spawned gaunts..
Although hes plays was flawed and tactics non existent i felt the list was decent!
what he could have done different = dont keep your centurions with grav in reserv in your stormraven, when Tigerius has invisibility, use it! on the knight! i told him that just because you CAN have stuff in the raven it doesn't mean you should.
Hoping for a challenge next time.
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