The seekers and daemonettes are done!

Finished the daemonettes and they turned cooler then I hoped. They are really going to get summoned in all my games! 

Also for next purchase I won't paint 30 models at the same time. Everything is finished at the same time but insanity is right there when painting a thousand class etc. they only took about three nights to finish. 

I got to use them in my latest game, a 4way. I used Fulgrim as my keeper, three heralds on mounts, 12 seekers, and 20 daemonettes. My friend took some Nurgle bikes and maulerfiends etc. He borrowed mine since his is only half painted :) 

We managed to pull out a draw  but if we would've continued we would have won since all they had left were 2 storm Ravens. But fun times were had! 

We are also going to try the green mat with more ruins to make LoS something to consider :)

Hopefully next game will come soon! :)

Have a great evening everyone. 


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