About to finish the army

Every army should have a goal. With my nids it was to have a MC heavy list with lots of gaunts as well, that list I feel is complete by now. When I started my daemon army this January I had one list that I thought I would use as my core, just like with my Nids that every list I do is  has lots of the same units and not that different each time. But painting and building daemons is so much fun i got a new goal with the army. Have every unit in the codex and have enugh models to not just field min sized units. And looking through the codex this is what I'm missing.

Lord of change. 

The model is awful IMHO and the rumors that a new LoC is coming is what's keeping me from getting one of these. They are powerful in game and should be included in every collection.
If i dont see a PICTURE! of the new plastic kit i will order the forgeworld one.

Soul grinder. 

I want at least two of these. Not sure why I haven't picked up one of these yet. I will Probably paint it slaneesh to get the fleet and extra run distance. 

Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh. 

This is last on my to get list. Rather expensive to buy and I will probably not use it that much since armor 11 isn't that hard to ones shot. Looks awesome though. 

This on the other hand! Super cheap chariot that will rend whatever to bits! And if I make it a herald on chariot, it's something I can summon with the sacrifice power since the chariot upgrade is 30 points. Probably want two of these.

This is another great example of a unit that is cool on paper with some funny rules (that need to be updated) but has an awful model. this wont be added to my collection :S

And while we are on ugly models, we have the Fury.. these could be useful in game, giving them the mark of slaanesh or Khorne for that extra punch but with a model from the 90s i wont touch it im sorry to say.
 People have been using daemonette boddies and putting on tyranid gargoyle wings on them and they look cool, but i would rather have more daemonettes and Gargoyles for my nid army. Hopefully they will get a new model soon.

Named characters.

these are a mixed bag, the one that i am going to get are The Masque, and i plan to use her as a herald or The Masque. The ones i want to do myself are the Blue scribes. 
i just need to buy one herald on chariot kit, and from that i can build another herald on disc, a flamer on chariot and the blue scribes, and they will be in plastic, i am not looking forward to any more failcast (though some of them ive been lucky with)
The changeling seems like a cool model but i don't think it fits with the look of the daemons. Maybe when i don't have anything else to paint i will get to it.

That pretty much sums it up for the Codex units, but i want to add to the lesser daemons as well, i want to have 30 of the lesser and only the blood letters are 30, i need to buy one box of each of the others to feel that i have enough of them.

also 6 more plague drones, i feel that a unit of three is fine to summon but if i want it effective there should at least be more then 6 in the unit.

as for the Forge world units, i really want the new Lord of skulls with legs! but ill see how my financials are, burned a lot of money this summer but you never know whats coming! 


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