I'm not afraid anymore.

So the game vs 5 Knights were played and I should've read up more on his units. They were all bs and ws 5 ( the lord was 6) so invisibility should been effective in the game (ITC makes it so the enemy is ws and bs 1 against invis) but I thought that my ws of 9 would be enugh to keep my monsters in melee making them only hitting on 5+. And on a avarage of one attack hitting per phase they shouldn't die in combat.

The only thing that died in melee were my prince since it's only T 5 and the D is s10 :(

The list I brought were a D Thirster belakor fateweaver a Prince, 22 horrors and some screamers. 

Belakor killed two Knights and the D Thirster killed one and died in the explosion. The rest of the game I just kept summoning units and grabbing points and it ended 11-1 in my favor. 

The all knight formation seems scary and it is. But it's not unbeatable. 


  1. Replies
    1. its always fun to face new and exiting stuff! coming in i was super scared of the Knights now i just respect them :) although i wouldn't want to have a game with more then one without the opponent telling me before hand :)


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