Return of mr pincy!

The game night was a blast. The sad thing was that I tabled my opponent turn five. Don't get me wrong I love to win but it's more fun when we both remove models. The list I brought was fateweaver, 2 heralds of Tzeentch, 9 Screamers 11 pinks x2 10 dogs, and the greater brass scorpion.

We played mission three of the ITC missions, hammer and anvil emperors will. He reserved most of his army only leaving a unit of XV8, his commander, wraith guard with D Flamers and the wraith knight (equipped with sun cannon) in the back.

He has Hawks, spiders, avengers, kroot, jet bikes, and vypers in reserves (don't ask my why) 

I walked up with the Scorpion casting Grimoire and keeping it in cursed earth range giving it a 2++ only glancing his serpent. 

In his turn he flamed the flesh hounds only killing 3-4 leaving them in nice pinching range for the brass scorpion. 

The Scorpion killed the guards, and the serpent. 

The warp storm killed some drones and suits but nothing major. 

Next turn when all of his reserves comes in they fire at the screamers who are unprotected killing everything except for a herald leaving one wound on it. Lucky for me it's the one who rolled possession. 

The knight and scorpion made it into
Combat with each other doing nothing of 
Note missing all of its 7 attacks :/

His Hawks and spiders landed in my backfield and started to pick on my pinks and dogs. I returned the favor summoning some daemonettes and the charged them to keep them there. They were murdered by the daemonettes the next round. The dogs are the spiders, kairos shot the vypers and the keeper killed the serpent. 

The commander were attacked by some screamers I summoned making short work of them, 
The scorpion won after two or three rounds and I rolled a 12, got some pinks in, rolled possession and turned them into a Thirster just to put some salt into his wounds. 

After that we knew he was royally screwed and he threw in the towel. 

the list he brought wasn't the most powerful as he said that he would bring but im not sure that my list super strong either, i had some awesome luck with the powers, getting possession at forst felt like a waste but when he was the only model left in that unit it was the perfect power to have :)

Next game i told my opponent to write the list that im gonna use and i will write the list he will use :)

Im just hoping for some great games were we both have fun :) and getting to use some models that rarely see play is always fun!


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