A lot of malifaux!

I haven't posted on the blog for some reason. But I haven't stopped with the tabletop games :) it's just that I've been playing a lot of malifaux and it doesn't make for very fun photos for two reasons. My crew usually stands in its table half for the first two turns and taking photos of that is not so fun hahaha and the other reason is that you don't have much down time playing this game. It's not like 40k where you don't do nothing but take saves for a whole turn that can sometimes take 30-40 minutes. I'm malifaux you activate one model then it's your opponents turn and you switch until all has activated then it's the next turn.

So I'm always doing something and that's super fun!

Played my first "big game" of 50ss yesterday against a more experienced player and got beat pretty bad haha.
But I learned a lot in that game :) 3-8 was the score (10 is the max points) but much of my lack of points were from inexperience.

I've also been painting like a madman :) almost every neverborn model has been under the brush and I have some more stuff that I need to build and paint as well :)


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