Done building the Drones.

I build my three drones today and i hope to get them primed when i get home from work so i can get them done over the weekend. I got a game coming up on sunday and i hope to have them finished until then :)

Got some stuff waiting for me at the post office as well and im probably going to pick them up today as well.

It should be 20 more Bloodletters, a Khorne Daemon prince and  a old metal Bloodthirster.

The thirster is supposedly missing the ax arm and i hope to be able to fix it with some Daemon prince bits but if i think it looks bad i might just sell it on eBay.

The prince should be based red but i hope that i can convert it to a tzeentch prince since they look the coolest. Thinking of putting a screamer head on it and some of the tentacles you get in those kits on it to make it stick out :)

If i cant easily remove the head he will become Nurgle. Then i will put on the head from one of the drones. Kinda wish i did with the first one as well but what can you do :)


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