Barbed wire!

I haven't updated the blog for a while but I haven't done anything worth writing about gaming wise.

There's a new member of our club and he got his hands on about 1800 points of sisters of battle that he is in the process of painting. 
I had a 600 point test game to give him some better understanding of the rules (he had played before and is familiar with the rules) but dusting of the rules is only good for him :) the battle was over as soon as I hit CC but the game is so unbalanced at 600 points we called it when he only had rhinos and a few sisters left. 

Hobbywise I finished three flamers of tzeentch but the trim of the base was still wet when it was time for bed I couldn't take any decent pictures. 

On the bigger bases I've felt that they look empty and Missing something. Having an expensive model and not taking it a bit further seems like a ware and I have been looking for ways to spice them up. 

Skulls was my fist thought but the idea of painting a million tiny skulls was of putting. The. I found some barbed wire in the Hobby store and that would make them look like I've given them some extra attention. 
I over payed since what it really was is two wires wrapped around each other. That is something I could make myself so I'm going to get some thin wire on my lunch break and make some more myself when I get home. 


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