Adeptus Mechanicus
There is some new blood in our club, one of them is a space wolf player and the other a ADmech player.
I don't have much experience with either of those so i have challenged them both this week, and tonight i`m up against admech.
he asked how much cheese to bring and o told him to bring what he wanted :) he talked about bringing 3-4 knights at first (that made me exited since i don't have any experience against them)
but he opted for a more well rounded list.
I think its going to be a mix of skitarii and admech so most of my work day will be reading up on his units so i wont get caught with my pants down.
i will bring my old school list, with fateweaver, a screamer star, horrors and dogs galore! plus a allied detachment with Belakor, a couple of cultists and a helldrake.
Hoping that the lack of armor saves will make his grav weapons useless, and getting some good psychic powers to flood the table with daemons.
I think it will be a fun game even if i lose, since it will make him feel better and start playing in our club more frequent.
i will try to remember my camera as well so i can post some pictures tomorrow :)
the picture is from a battle agains the necrons i had a while ago :)
I don't have much experience with either of those so i have challenged them both this week, and tonight i`m up against admech.
he asked how much cheese to bring and o told him to bring what he wanted :) he talked about bringing 3-4 knights at first (that made me exited since i don't have any experience against them)
but he opted for a more well rounded list.
I think its going to be a mix of skitarii and admech so most of my work day will be reading up on his units so i wont get caught with my pants down.
i will bring my old school list, with fateweaver, a screamer star, horrors and dogs galore! plus a allied detachment with Belakor, a couple of cultists and a helldrake.
Hoping that the lack of armor saves will make his grav weapons useless, and getting some good psychic powers to flood the table with daemons.
I think it will be a fun game even if i lose, since it will make him feel better and start playing in our club more frequent.
i will try to remember my camera as well so i can post some pictures tomorrow :)
the picture is from a battle agains the necrons i had a while ago :)
Looking forward to the battle report!